
Together with you and ProSpecieRara, we are launching the Miss Baabuka program, a conservation project dedicated to protecting 6 endangered breeds of sheep native to Switzerland. In addition to giving our loyal customers and fans a special discount to kickstart the holiday season, we will be donating 15% of revenue during our Sheep Friday sale to develop this new program.
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With their shaggy white wool and their black furry faces, it’s pretty easy to see how the Valais Blacknose got the status as the world’s cutest sheep breed. Hailing originally from the mountains of Switzerland, the Valais Blacknose have developed a big woolly coat that is perfect for that harsh Alpine weather. But it’s not just their cuddly wool jackets that helps to earn their reputation as cute. They are also very friendly and actually quite sociable with humans, unlike other sheep breeds - which literally run for the hills as soon as anyone approaches!
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When you think of Switzerland you probably think of the Matterhorn and snow capped mountain peaks, exquisite chocolate, cheese fondue and a reputation for very good watches. You probably wouldn’t think you’d find a professional fisherman selling his catch of...
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We're very proud to introduce to you our first ever Creator Series. Every other month we will share with you interviews with creator friends of ours. This is an opportunity for you to discover amazing people and for us to...
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